LD 2018 Nationals Topic Card File

This card file is for the LD 2018 nationals topic on: “Resolved: The United States’ use of targeted killing in foreign countries is unjust.”

All of these cards are for the aff side of this debate. The first hat for the most part discusses the way that viewing drones as self-aware, autonomous beings removes the human element from warfare, which ultimately makes war inevitable.  The second advantage is about the way that humans are deeply connected with technology and conceiving of drones as autonomous reifies Western binaries that are the root causes of oppression. All of the aff pertains to drones.

This aff should be pretty easy to answer Ks with and you would probably be able to critique most DAs as they rely on “drones key to X” which you would answer by saying that treating drones as if they are separate from the human is bad and outweigh with impacts as to why drones make war inevitable.

Click here for the card file.